Braille Wristband


Feraol Ibrahim, Geoffroy Renaut, Rose Kapps, Adnane El Haouat, Jan Röthlisberger, Yann Devance​

Project Description

This project presents an innovative Braille wristband that allows visually impaired individuals to access text-based information through tactile feedback. By using a combination of text recognition, actuators, and adaptive control, the wristband converts text into Braille, which is then displayed through a series of raised pins. The system dynamically adjusts the speed and direction of the actuation based on the user's proximity to the text before taking the picture and then adjusts the speed of the display to match the user’s reading pace, enabling a more intuitive and personalized reading experience.​

Meet the Team



H3adMotion Arm


Posture-corrector backpack: the Backsmart